Recently, I have been experimenting with the CNC Mill to make parts for the AR-15 Semi Automatic Rifle.
The first application was done to finish an AR-15 80% Lower Receiver. The CNC Sherline Mill has proven to be an ideal tool for milling out the pockets.
I designed the plates which allowed me to complete a finish jig assembly to mount the incomplete lower receiver in a set up where I can complete the drilling of
side holes for pins for the trigger and the safety/fire mechanism mounts and a fixture to mount in the milling vise to pocket the trigger assembly compartment.
I most recently decided to figure out how to do engraving with the milling machine. With BobCAD CAM the process was very
straight forward.
The Slim Vise is a low profile vise for mounting the finish jig assembly with lower receiver to allow the milling machine to
engrave the open space on the side of the lower receiver. Here the milling
machine is cutting out the parts of the Slim Vise assembly.
Custom Trigger Guard:
Making my own custom made Trigger Guard was a natural next item to make with the milling machine
for the AR-15 Lower Receiver.
Engraved Logo:
Slim Vise: